Sid Griffin Archives - Page 8 of 31 - Sid Griffin - The Official Website

Sid Griffin

Backstage with The Coal Porters

Fun with The Coal Porters in Madrid

Here is a wonderful clip of the Coal Porters rehearsing at their B&B in Madrid, Spain, in March 2018 before their sold-out, well-received, wonderful gig at The Fun House. The line up is Neil...

Bandcamp Fundraiser

Bandcamp Juneteenth fundraiser

On Friday, June 18th Bandcamp will be donating 100% of their share of any sales to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, a racial justice organization with a long history of effectively enacting change through...

Sid Griffin plays the Coal Porters 'No More Chains' thumbnail

No More Chains

Continuing our series of Sid So Low here is the ex-Long Ryder doing a song by his old ‘alt-bluegrass’ band, the Coal Porters. The original full band version appears on the Prima Records release,...

17 Ways (A tribute to Tom Stevens)

In late January the Long Ryders family lost Tom Stevens, our bassist since Christmas 1983. Tom was unique, a warm spirit, and a brilliant musician. Here is bandmate Sid Griffin’s tribute to Tom Stevens....

Sid Griffin – Colours (Donovan Cover)

Colours (Donovan)

Here is a celebration of the changing of the guard in Washington DC. Using Donovan’s Colours as a template I sing of one bad apple (one bad orange?) flying away and a good man...

Rhythms Magazine Interview

Sid spoke to Brian Wise at Rhythms Music Magazine in Australia about whats been going down for The Long Ryders and what may be coming up. Check out this months Rhythms Music Magazine or...

The Sid Griffin Christmas Podcast

Call All Coal Porters – Show 30

Here is the first Christmas themed podcast since December 2016. There were so many available in previous years it seemed foolish to record one but this pandemic year Sid changed his mind. Featuring songs...

Sid Griffin Interview

Getting to know Sid Griffin…

Gorilla Entertainment sat Sid Griffin down whilst he was doing interviews for upcoming DVD documentaries on Van Halen, Ringo Starr, and Bob Marley recently and got a quick ten minutes with him. Sid comes...