Sid Griffin Archives - Page 19 of 31 - Sid Griffin - The Official Website

Sid Griffin

Lowlands & Friends New Album

Sid features on a track on the new album from Lowlands, released this month. Lowlands & Friends Play Townes Van Zandt’s Last Set is released on December 3rd on Harbour Song Records here in the UK and...

Pete Feenstra Interview

Sid recently spoke to Pete Feenstra from Get Ready To Rock! Radio about The Coal Porters new album, No. 6. Conversation also turned to The Long Ryders and Sid also gets to choose a...

Solo Show Italian Reviews

Two great reviews just in from Sid’s Italian Solo Shows, has this review of the Cantù show. And also the Mescalina Website has this fine review of the Pavia show. Sid’s next Solo show...

Under The Apple Tree sessions

Lights Of Downtown

‘Lights Of Downtown’ performed acoustically by The Long Ryders recorded for Bob Harris’ Under The Apple Tree Sessions. You can watch the video of all of these sessions now on the WhisperingBobTV channel on...

Q&A with Sid

Originally published on the medleyville website on September 22nd, 2016. Q&A: SID GRIFFIN/COAL PORTERS Blending musical elements, whether they’re complementary or seemingly disparate, remains a matter of course for Sid Griffin. During the 1980s...

The Coal Porters – No. 6 (CD)

£10 including P&P (UK customers) £11 including P&P (Rest of world) The Day the Last Ramone Died Save Me from the Storm The Blind Bartender Chopping the Garlic Salad Days Unhappy Anywhere Train No....

Interview with Sid Griffin of The Coal Porters

The Coal Porters’s new album No.6 is coming out in September on Prima Records. Louder Than War’s Craig Chaligne spoke to their ringleader Sid Griffin ahead of their UK tour. Hi Sid, thanks for taking...

Sid on Sue Marchant’s BIG NIGHT IN

Listen to three tracks from The Coal Porters new album, No. 6, along with an interview with Sid on Sue Marchant’s BIG NIGHT IN. Originally broadcast on BBC Local Radio Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and...