Sid Griffin Archives - Page 15 of 31 - Sid Griffin - The Official Website

Sid Griffin

Artists Love Italy CD Compilation

Human Spirit

A song written for the Artists Love Italy project earlier this year. ‘Artists Love Italy’ was set up to help the victims of the 2016 and 2017 eathquakes which devastated several towns surrounding the...

The Man Who Invented The Blues

A brand new video for The Man Who Invented The Blues from Sids 1997 solo album Little Victories. Copies of the album are availible in the Sid Griffin Store and you can also find...

Sailors And Soldiers

A new video for the song Sailors And Soldiers from Sids 1997 solo album Little Victories. Written by the late, great Phil Ochs and performed on the album as a duet with Sid’s dear...

The Neon Brambles Gene Clark website

Take a look at the fine Gene Clark website created by our good friend Ingrid whose worthy campaign to #GetGeneIn the Songwriters Hall of Fame rolls ever onward. The site, the latest word on...

Distant Trains

A new video for the song Distant Trains from Sids 1997 solo album Little Victories. Copies of the album are availible in the Sid Griffin Store and you can also find the album on...

Sid Griffin Hometown Show!

Sid Griffin plays his first show in almost a decade in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky on September 10th at Monnik Beer Company. To say this is a special evening would be the biggest...

I Wish I Was A Mountain

A new video for I Wish I Was A Mountain from Sids 1997 solo album Little Victories. Copies of the album are availible in the Sid Griffin Store and you can also find the...

The Sid Griffin Podcast

Call All Coal Porters – Show 20

This new Sid Griffin podcast has a summer theme and features The Four Freshmen, surf music legends The Gamblers, The Beach Boys, Sid’s late pal Gene Clark, Jake Xerxes Fussell, Sid’s quite alive pal...