Tom Stevens
Tom Stevens, 1956-2021. The most minor of the many notable entries on his obituary would easily be “Sid Griffin’s dear pal” but it’s the one which means the most to me. ‘Bye, Tom, see you…your photo is still on the wall between Hillman and Bill Monroe.
Posted on January 24, 2021: To all our friends, fans and family… it is with heavy hearts that we share the sad news our brother Tom Stevens has left us quite suddenly. We ask you all to keep Tom, his loving wife Elaine, Sarah, Zach and James in your thoughts. Tom loved you all so much. Play his beautiful song “Let it Fly” and be grateful for the time we all had together. We are.
Peace, love and Tom Stevens to you all.
Sid, Stephen & Greg
Remembering our Brother Tom. “Let It Fly…”